Support Drinkfox

Thank the team by buying us a drink!

Over the last 12+ years, Drinkfox has provided online tools to millions of people. Many of you use our services daily and we truly appreciate your continued support. One of the key decisions we made when we launched Drinkfox was to keep our core services free of charge.

Why Donate?

We believe that understanding your alcohol consumption is essential for making informed choices and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. However, maintaining and improving this service requires ongoing resources and effort. By making a donation, you can directly contribute to the sustainability and growth of our platform.

The Power of Your Support

Your donations enable us to cover maintenance costs, ensure smooth functionality, and develop new content. With your support, we can continue providing free access to our tools and enhance the user experience. Your contributions directly impact the availability of this valuable resource for individuals like yourself.

Make a Difference

By donating, you become an active participant in our mission to promote responsible drinking and provide valuable tools to our community. Your support helps us reach a wider audience, improve existing features, and develop new resources to meet your evolving needs. Every contribution, no matter the amount, makes a meaningful difference.

How Can I Donate?

If you find our tools helpful and would like to support our service, we invite you to make a donation through Buy Me a Coffee. Your generosity ensures the longevity and continuous improvement of our platform. Click the yellow "Buy me a cofee" button to make a secure and hassle-free donation.

Coffee, Not Beer?

Yes, we like coffee.

When making any donation, if the email address you provide matches with your Drinkfox account email, you'll automatically be upgraded to Drinkfox Pro, active for one year.

What is Drinkfox Pro?

This is something that we will be gradually introducing to the website. Pro Account benefits will include;

  • No adverts.
  • Additional features within free core services.
  • Exclusive access to non-core services (such as new tools we plan to release).

Once Drinkfox Pro is fully operational, an official announcement will be made.

A donation is not the only way to contribute to Drinkfox. An alternative way is to help spread the word of our services. For example, a social media share, or a link from a personal website promoting what we do is invaluable.