Step 1: Your Basic Details

Enter valid age (18+)
Enter valid gender
Enter valid weight

Enter hours & minutes

Step 2: Select Your Drinks

Step 3: Check Results

0.0000 %BAC

Extra Information

BAC Levels

How your BAC effects you

BAC levels under 0.02 would indicate no obvious side effects of alcohol consumption.

You are showing signs of slight euphoria, relaxation and reduced shyness - but no lack of co-ordination or attention.

Your alcohol level may cause exaggerated behaviour, impairment of judgement and reduced memory. Sensations of warmth and relaxation are likely at this point.

Slight impairment of speech, balance, vision and reaction time. At this point your judgement of self-control and reasoning is reduced.

You will experience significant impairment of motor coordination and lack of judgement. Your reaction time, balance & hearing will be impaired - as well as slurred speech.

You’ll experience major motor impairment and lack of physical control, with blurred vision and significant loss of balance.

Nausea will likely take effect at this point. The drinker will likely have the appearance of a sloppy drunk.

You may experience total mental confusion and need assistance with walking. Blackouts are possible alongside nausea and vomiting.

During this level of intoxication, you will likely suffer alcohol poisoning and potentially lose consciousness.

At this BAC level you may fall into a coma, or possible death due to respiratory arrest. This is a potentially fatal level of alcohol intake.

Alcohol Units

Recommended weekly limits

8g Alc. =
1 Alcohol Unit
Drive Limits (BAC)

Regional details for the United Kingdom

United Kingdom
England .08
Northern Ireland .08
Scotland .05
Wales .08

BAC limits are used to determine if a person can legally drive. The standard BAC limit sets a specific percentage above which a person can face charges while driving in most countries.


This BAC calculator is for entertainment purposes only. There are many variables that mean this tool cannot fully determine your BAC level, and therefore whether an individual is able to lawfully drive a vehicle. We strongly suggest that if you have any alcohol in your body: do not drive.

By using this tool, you acknowledge that any information presented may contain inaccuracies or errors and we expressly exclude liability for any such inaccuracies or errors to the fullest extent permitted by law.

This tool employs a basic version of the Widmark Formula, which can be found below. The variables used in the formula can be expressed as; A = liquid ounces of alcohol consumed, W = your weight in pounds, r = a sex constant (.73 for men and .66 for women) and H = hours since your first drink.

Widmark Formula

%BAC = (A x 5.14 / (W x r)) - .015 x H